The 10th International Seminar on Aerospace Science and Technology (ISAST 2024)

Oleh: Chalid Luneto . 7 Agustus 2024 . 10:29:40

he 10th International Seminar of Aerospace Science and Technology 2024 (ISAST 2024) serves as a significant forum for advancing the theme of “Bridging Asian Aerospace Research and Innovation to the Global Stage,” with a special focus on integrating aviation and aerospace science and technology for climate solutions. Since its start in 2013, ISAST has established itself as an essential meeting for international researchers, academia, and professionals in the aviation and aerospace sectors, facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing. Despite challenges like the COVID-19 epidemic, which prompted a shift to online formats starting in 2020, ISAST consistently addresses issues relevant to the most recent breakthroughs in aerospace science and technology.

This year’s conference, which coincides with the “Bali International Air Show 2024” event, is of special significance. By including this industrial event, ISAST hopes to foster synergy among researchers, stakeholders, and the aviation industry, further emphasizing the theme of bridging Asian aerospace research and innovation to the global stage. ISAST 2024 focuses on how aviation and aerospace science and technology could contribute to climate solutions. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and technical sessions, experts and participants will discuss innovative strategies such as green aviation technologies, advanced aerospace design and manufacture, space-based climate monitoring, and space science to address climate change challenges.

The conference provides an opportunity for attendees to share expertise, form collaborations, and make an impact in tackling climate change through aerospace innovation. By leveraging this platform, ISAST continues its mission of advancing Asian aerospace research and innovation on the global stage, ultimately contributing to the advancement of aviation and space technology for the benefit of society and the environment.

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